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Why Migration


All population will work new ways

Migration is any movement of the population, resulting from a place of origin to another destination that brings a change of residence. The migrations of humans are studied are from the social sciences, such as geography, or the demography of populations. The types of migrations that are known were established by the utopian socialist Robert Owen in 1838, for the founding of his town of New Harmony, Indiana in the United States, where the population was all immigrants. There are types of migration that depend on the climate or the weather:

Immigrant take the train that no stop

People can help a immigrants in your ways  
Depending on the weather:
      Temporary Migration can be when a migrant will be in another country a short time.
      Temporary migration can be when migrant will be permanently in another country.
Forced migration is when travels migrant from his place of residence because of life-threatening situations.
       Voluntary Migration is when migrants go from their place of residence by their own volition.
There are types of migration that rely on your destination:
Internal migration is when destination is within the same country, such as from one state to another.
International migration occurs when destination is outside the country of origin.


Immigrant to sleeping under the train

Immigant want pass the bordes whereas that the policeman be vigilance


Among the types of migration (demography) there are present two approaches: First migration from one place or on country to another by a population. The Second immigration from a place or country to another by temporary "migrants".
The causes of migration can include responding to the need to find a better place to live because, as George, Pierre said in his book "Geography of the population" said in (1971): The source of inequality is quite inevitable (inevitable in the original) between men it is found in their birthplace ". Migration tries to overcome this inequality.

 The main causes of migration are political cause's derivatives of the political crises in countries, by failing to offer and guarantee minimun conditiones for the livelihood of citizens, cause populationes to move.

Cultural causes like religion, language, customs and traditions or educational opportunities, may be cause for migration.

Imiigrant pass other bordes Mexico with United States

Immigrant child in bordes that traveling with parents
Socioeconomic causes can be situations of hunger and poverty like those in many developing countries where many migrants to risk their lives to find a better life.
Family causes can be a need to settle in another country, and to turn to relatives who are already outside the country of origin.
Because of war and other international conflicts, there are many sources of forced migration, which have led to massive population displacements. Widespread disasters force populations to leave their country due to major social and natural disasters.

The consequences of migration may be direct or indirect in both countries and areas of emigration. Immigration officers in both cases can have both positive and negative effects.
Separation  the familys in at bordes

For the place of emigration the positive thing would be to reduce the population pressure and decrease the use of natural resources. Other factors include cultural and political homogeneity the increase in remittances sent by migrants, the decline in unemployment and increased productivity by reducing the workforce in the country of emigration. The increase in sales of products in other countries is also a result. The negative would be observed in the multiple problems in families, the aging of the population remaining, and a reduction or decrease in dropout rates and government revenues.
For new the place immigration is a positive rejuvenation of the population. The immigrant population is more willing to change (social, cultural, technical) to contribute capital, skilled labor, new technologies and increase domestic consumption. The negative imbalance is reflected in the social structure by age and sex. Because of a variety of political, linguistic, religious immigrants coming to form completely segregated and marginalized groups, there can be an increased need for services, especially healthcare and education, and increased imports of products from the places of origin, for immigrants with lower wages in some industries or sectors, exploitation of immigrant labor, and illegal immigrants can be expected can threatened with expulsion from the host country.

Immigrants died in tha bordes

Finally, immigrants in the world according to the 2009 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) there are about 1000 million migrants today. Of these, most are internal migrants and just under a quarter would have moved beyond the borders of their country.

Mgs. Gomez, Carlos
Traslector of text origin

Postal Home Migration Saint Juan Diego in Mexico City